The Rebecca Circle is a faith based woman’s group that was formed to assist in the ministry of the church through hospitality and outreach programs. They meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in Centennial Hall. This group does not usually meet during the summer months.
They provide refreshments for Coffee Hour after Sunday service. They provide seasonal decorations for the church hall. They occasionally host luncheons for special church programs and/or projects.
One of their Lenten projects is to help with the Lutheran World Relief’s Baskets of Promise appeal. Each week, different items are collected from the congregation that will be used to assemble Personal Care Kits that will be given out to people around the world to help them stay healthy in some of life’s most challenging situations. Items being collected are bath towels, bath size soap bars, nail clippers and combs. The baskets will be assembled after Easter.
At Christmas, shoe boxes for local school children are filled with school supplies, winter items, and ‘goodies’. Also small gifts are given to our adult home friends.
In 2019, we began a new “Bags of Blessings” ministry. Personal care items are collected and bagged, and are distributed with our Community Food Pantry.
For more information about the group, membership, and activities you should contact or talk to Barb Rader (President) or Nancy Krager (Secretary).
Beautiful Christmas banner made by Rebecca Circle.